Park Lounge

Park Lounge seating supports shared or open spaces that blends high-quality American steel production with the meticulous beauty of Danish craft. Hi and Lo Solo provide a private and protected personal area while offering ample space for multiple seating postures. Hi and Lo Settee provide a comfortable work area for one person or multiple people while still maintaining personal space.

Designed For Engaged Work

Park’s elegance is crafted to support productive work interactions, each piece works efficiently as installed, but can adapt to the ever-changing needs of dynamic office environments.

Rethinking Space Division

Park introduces new ways to create active work zone in sought-after, open collaborative areas through varied seating heights and Tables levels, movable planters and technology support.


Designer’s Story

Much like human well-being, the essence of Norm Architects’ work is found in balance – between richness and restraint, between order and complexity. Each project – whether architecture, interiors, design or creative direction – is imbued with the same intrinsic quality; a simplicity that carriers bigger ideas. Guided by the body and mind rather than by trends or technology, our projects explore ideas that not only look good but that also feel good: Architecture becomes thoughtful, minimalism acquires softness and visual matter assumes haptic qualities. Our work is sharp and crisp and exudes, tacitly, our focus on quality, details and durability.